How is it hanging? First off Eric is a liar I am real . Atleast i think I am. Well the past five days haven't been to eventful. I attended an introductory Thia Chi Class. (sp?) Class Saturday went great i love going to my class. I actually look forward to it all week. I read my monologue that i had memorized and practicing. I think i can confidently say that i nailed it minus a few accent vowel pronunciation screw up's. I am so siked on acting right now it's not even funny. I will no doubt work my ass off harder for this then i have any other thing in my whole life.
I realized i really really really like the green tea latte from Starbucks. It is Excellent stuff. I am sitting at Barnes and Noble typing this and drinking on right now. I got in contact with a friend who i hadn't hung out with for probably five years. We went to Phoenix Hill last night. I met a few cool people. There was a girl there way to drunk to be there. I know everyone in the bar saw her bush at least seventeen times. I tried to take photo's for you guys with my phone but alas it was to dark. Anyway there is a perfectly good bush in the upper left hand corner. Go ahead look up there.... a little further..... there you go........... BUSH.
I have contacted a guy about a ten minute short film he is shooting. I am hopefully after sitting down with him and auditioning will be playing the role of Jack. He is an editor/ publisher. A clean cut "suit" per say. It's only a ten minute short film but shoooot I am excited about it.
Kathryn (my acting coach) Made a comment Saturday after class. It was nothing but positive but for some reason in my head grasping those words and having them associated with me just kind of messes up my head some. I dunno }=O) I have been watching so many movie's here lately that i cant remember half of the one's i have watched. I have kind of decided that i don't want to do a lot of comedy. I would rather do dramatic or action movie's. I wouldn't be opposed to other thing's. But you know. I think I have came quite far in the past few months with my acting . I feel more confident. I still have aways to go but i am definitely feeling pretty pretty good.
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