Heeeeyyy!! I have been sitting on my butt almost three weeks. It is about to drive me completely crazy. Craziness will only help me come to think of it. I think Sean Connery said it best when he said "As an actor , you need to make a complete ass of yourself". I think that is totally true.
I guess this is a place where I get thing out that have been on my mind. Possibly discuss things that bother me. Like most males of my generation. I have a lot of father baggage. He was never around and told me lies and blah blah blah the normal sorry bastard father stuff. I think that kind of effected me some. In both good and bad ways. That's all I've got to say about that.
I keep talking about this. I know its probably annoying ,but I have this drive that's either puching or pulling me to Los Angeles. I don't know. I have never in my life felt such urge that i needed to do something. Honestly i dont care what I have to do to get there. I will take a bus and live in a hotel if i have to with nothing....
I definitely want to find some cool places to hang out when im cooling my jets. I have a book called "Acting is Everything an Actors Guidebook for a Successful Career in Los Angeles".
It has a list of hangouts , Talent Agencies , things to do , even dentists and doctors. I think I should take some martial arts classes and possibly some yoga so i can do some of my own stunts. I am hoping that since I don't strictly have an acting background it will give me resume a little color. I have had jobs in everything from food service to manufacturing to auto mechanics to building houses. Mostly blue collar jobs. I'm sure with enough research and a lot of stubbornness I will be able to be anything!!!!!
I am about a month behind on my budget. Come hell or high water...... I will be in Los Angeles by spring time. Woohooo
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Did you hear that? Duuuude that was my head ahhehehe!!

Ive got wheels again. The white S10 beater to the left!! Low rider mexican style.
I have been trying like hell to get into contact with people who live in Los Angeles. Most Ex celebs and current ones. Most of them kind of blow me off. Which is fine and understandable no hard feelings.
I need to concentrate on finding a place to live and a job now. I wish I had some friends moving with me. I think it would be a little easier. But i might be better off by myself. I have two short films I am auditioning for when he contacts me back. Also one feature length film im auditioning for as well. Im pretty syked on both of them. Not much else to say since ive been sitting on my arse for 2 weeks. I will say one thing though. Im sooo ready to get back to the damn gym!!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Oh crap im gonna hit a cat swerve SEMI??? FU^%^%^*&^%^%%$###$# i hit a semi!!!

Well Monday night sucked. I rear ended a park semi . I got slammed into the windshield , the steering wheel, and my shoulder tore up the dash. Picture to the left. I feel crappy. I have a concussion and messed up wrist and ankle plus a sore body. I have physical therapy tomorrow and i hope something is found or what ever. Th Hardin memorial hospital is complete garbage. They didn't check anything but my head. Even though i informed them about everything else. The doctor's office is just as crappy they didn't even look at anything.
Why is it that i have female friends that i talk to when they are single. As soon as they start dating or talking to someone they drop off the face of the earth and i never hear from them?? I confuses me. Maybe I'm a douche bag? Nah that cant be it,
I have basically been sitting on my arse for the past week. I will be so siked when i can go back to work and the gym.
Not everyone that hangs out in a bar is a jerk of douche bag. I have met a couple people in a bar that were pretty cool. Probably make good friends. You can never have to many good friends.
I need to either fix my car or truck that I have or buy something else so i can get on my 2200 mile drive to California.
I have been thinking about acting a lot this week. Big surprise huh.!?!?! I want to have a large range. I dont want to be a one dimensional actor. Hell 2 or 3 even. I want to be able to be the nice guy next door. The jealous women beater white trash guy .The serial killerthat dresses up liek a clown . The lunatic homeless guy who talks to floating turds. Even the most spectacular Joker that the Batman has ever matched wits with. I don't know how im gonna be able to do this. Yet. I will figure it out. Mark my words. Its on!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Son's Of Scottland I am William Wallace. IVE GOT BUSH

How is it hanging? First off Eric is a liar I am real . Atleast i think I am. Well the past five days haven't been to eventful. I attended an introductory Thia Chi Class. (sp?) Class Saturday went great i love going to my class. I actually look forward to it all week. I read my monologue that i had memorized and practicing. I think i can confidently say that i nailed it minus a few accent vowel pronunciation screw up's. I am so siked on acting right now it's not even funny. I will no doubt work my ass off harder for this then i have any other thing in my whole life.
I realized i really really really like the green tea latte from Starbucks. It is Excellent stuff. I am sitting at Barnes and Noble typing this and drinking on right now. I got in contact with a friend who i hadn't hung out with for probably five years. We went to Phoenix Hill last night. I met a few cool people. There was a girl there way to drunk to be there. I know everyone in the bar saw her bush at least seventeen times. I tried to take photo's for you guys with my phone but alas it was to dark. Anyway there is a perfectly good bush in the upper left hand corner. Go ahead look up there.... a little further..... there you go........... BUSH.
I have contacted a guy about a ten minute short film he is shooting. I am hopefully after sitting down with him and auditioning will be playing the role of Jack. He is an editor/ publisher. A clean cut "suit" per say. It's only a ten minute short film but shoooot I am excited about it.
Kathryn (my acting coach) Made a comment Saturday after class. It was nothing but positive but for some reason in my head grasping those words and having them associated with me just kind of messes up my head some. I dunno }=O) I have been watching so many movie's here lately that i cant remember half of the one's i have watched. I have kind of decided that i don't want to do a lot of comedy. I would rather do dramatic or action movie's. I wouldn't be opposed to other thing's. But you know. I think I have came quite far in the past few months with my acting . I feel more confident. I still have aways to go but i am definitely feeling pretty pretty good.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Some soul searching......chinese food.......and film's
Dear Mr Blog.
How the heck are you? When you read this read it as if you were Scottish , because when i typed it i was practicing my Scottish accent. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. I guess just kind of soul searching of some sorts. I have been watching a lot of movie's big budget low budget indie. I just went to the movie's and saw the new Sherlock Holme's movie. An excellent flick. Robert Downey is a great actor IMO. I cant wait for the last Gerard Butler film to come out on DVD. I have heard nothing but good things about it.
I think i may get a second job at the McDonalds. I'm so excited about moving to the west coast and pursuing something worth a shit to do with my life.
I have been trying to get in contact with Kent Avenido. He is an actor form Elizabethtown and now lives in Los Angeles. Just to be in contact with some one from my nesxt of the woods trying to do the same thing I am. So far i have had no such luck.
My new years was a little boring but i still had fun. I got called an asshole by some random woman.
I have been watching The Godfather Trilogy for liek the one millionth-ed time. I love all three of those movie's. They are great.
I have an idea for a movie. I think it would be pretty funny. I have never saw a movie based in this location about these type of workers or any of the funny stuff that happens and it done. It would be great to see someone do it. Until next time I'm off like a Prom dress!!!!
How the heck are you? When you read this read it as if you were Scottish , because when i typed it i was practicing my Scottish accent. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. I guess just kind of soul searching of some sorts. I have been watching a lot of movie's big budget low budget indie. I just went to the movie's and saw the new Sherlock Holme's movie. An excellent flick. Robert Downey is a great actor IMO. I cant wait for the last Gerard Butler film to come out on DVD. I have heard nothing but good things about it.
I think i may get a second job at the McDonalds. I'm so excited about moving to the west coast and pursuing something worth a shit to do with my life.
I have been trying to get in contact with Kent Avenido. He is an actor form Elizabethtown and now lives in Los Angeles. Just to be in contact with some one from my nesxt of the woods trying to do the same thing I am. So far i have had no such luck.
My new years was a little boring but i still had fun. I got called an asshole by some random woman.
I have been watching The Godfather Trilogy for liek the one millionth-ed time. I love all three of those movie's. They are great.
I have an idea for a movie. I think it would be pretty funny. I have never saw a movie based in this location about these type of workers or any of the funny stuff that happens and it done. It would be great to see someone do it. Until next time I'm off like a Prom dress!!!!
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